What is a Burkini? And why should you get one?

Burkini might sound new to many but swimming and swimwears are not. Burkini is a kind of swimwear popular to Islam or muslim females as it will cover their body, arms, legs, and hair that strongly compliment with their faith, Covering these parts of the body is a sign of modesty making the Burkinis a modest swimwear

Without the hair cover, Burkinis can look like rash guards that also cover the legs and hands of the swimmer. 

Why should you get a Burkini?

If you wonder why Burkinis are becoming popular these days, it because of its healthy reasons why you should get one.

Modesty - it is wether you are a Muslim woman ore just someone who hates showing skins for modesty purposes, the burkini got you covered. In addition, burkinis are not only loved by Muslim woman or woman who are not into showing skin but also to women who have body issues.

Avoiding sun exposure - other reasons and probably applicable to everyone is its ability to help protect your skin from sun exposure, which we all know is harmful for our skin. Skin cancer survivors and those who are at high risk of skin cancer adopt wearing burkinis to protect their skin from sunlight.

 In addition, people from Asia where light colored skin is in fashion, burkinis are used by women who avoid tanning the skin when outside. Also, the celebrities are into burkinis to avoid their skin from sunburn and premature skin aging.

Whether you are a Muslin or not but would love to swim in modest swimwear, you should get a Burkini now.

What is a Burkini? And why should you get one? What is a Burkini? And why should you get one? Reviewed by Leonilyn Vitto on 6/13/2022 Rating: 5
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